Aqwire - Notice history

All systems operational

Current status of AQWIRE Platform
For questions, please contact

Website - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2020 · 100.0%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2020
Aug 2020
Sep 2020

Enterprise Dashboard - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2020 · 100.0%Aug · 99.97%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2020
Aug 2020
Sep 2020

Access API - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2020 · 100.0%Aug · 99.35%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2020
Aug 2020
Sep 2020

Portal - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2020 · 99.99%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2020
Aug 2020
Sep 2020

Amazon Web Services - Operational

Aqwire Personal - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2020 · 100.0%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2020
Aug 2020
Sep 2020

Notice history

Sep 2020

No notices reported this month

Jul 2020 to Sep 2020
